Monday, January 21, 2013

The Final Week: Sunday

My Coopaducks is not a quiet dog, in fact her toe nails always go clackity clack even after they've been trimmed and it can drive a saint to drink.

I know that, in a week they'll be annoying again but just the thought of hearing her toenails makes my heart leap.  I have really missed my Copper girl.  I cried like a baby when I said goodbye to her and I'm sure I'll cry like a baby when I say hello to her.  I have really missed her and the frequent pictures that my sister has sent to me over the last 16 months has really helped me see my girl grow older.  Britons really love their dogs and dogs are allowed almost everywhere.  Our local Tesco has an entrance to the store so there are doors that open into a patio of sorts and many people will allow their dogs to wait for them in there.  Many times they have a human waiting with them but not is minded by the presence of dogs.  In country pubs it's not a rare sight to see people bringing their dogs in with them.  Could you imagine a bar allowing dogs?  Britons bring their dogs with them everywhere and they tie them up outside public places like banks and the post office but they hardly ever leave their dogs home.  I think our society would be a bit more happy and friendly if we had a more dog friendly kind of attitude.

And my family, of course I miss my family and I can't wait to see them.  I've spoken to them extensively over the last year but it will be nice to see everyone.  I had a nice time visiting with my mother when she came to see us in July.  And I am sure I'll end up seeing a lot of people next sunday. Well, aside from my brother and my SIL seeing as they live in Oslo.  

I miss the geocachers.  I have.  You are all a great bunch of people and I do miss seeing everyone.  I miss my friends, the few really good ones I have.  I have a girlfriend who has a one year old I've not yet met and I can't wait to meet him!  He was born a few months after I left.

Curiously, of the many things I miss from home, the greatest ones are food related.
Carl's Jr.
Lamppost Pizza
In 'n Out
Taco Bell
El Novillero
Movie Theater popcorn!  Not the stuff they have in England-land

Oddly enough I don't miss driving on the right hand side of the road and if you've been in the car with me, you'd know why.  I think Mom said it best: I drive no differently on the left than I do on the right.  Once I got over my 'oh holy crap the lanes are too freaking narrow I'm going to crash!' I was fine.  I became a fairly good judge of the narrow lanes and just how much room I needed to pass by cars.

My Gunton calls this my return to CA as an extended visit home for me because that's all it is, just a visit.  But no matter how long this visit is, I will look forward to catching up on all those delights I've been missing.

Even if those 'delights' include the clackity clacks of the dog's toenails on the wood floors.

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