Thursday, October 2, 2008

A missing check, a day off and presents

Tuesdays and Wednesdays are my days off. Yesterday Cooper and I went into Cody to buy food because I have finally gotten paid.

I was supposed to be paid last Tuesday but when I checked my bank balance, Nada. So my boss sends out an email basically saying umm...Emily didn't get paid. The quick response is that there was a problem with the routing numbers (?) and so I had a hard copy that is up at mammoth (north end of the park and I am at the east) but they'd send it out ASAP.

Four days later I still do not have it.

More emails are sent and we eventually learn (several days later) that the check has been at lake for several days-no one bothered to send it along. So Sunday Dennis says that I will have my check by Monday come hell or high water. Later on Monday afternoon Dennis returns and asks if anyone got the mail. As I had taken that happy job, I was able to assure him I had not received any mail.

This was not news he wanted to hear. Lake had mailed it to east. Yes, through USPS. Although there wasn't an envelope for me, there was one for the East Entrance and inside that envelope was my check.

So now I have a few bucks and all I have to do is deposit it into my account. So I head into Cody on the look out for Wells Fargo. Only there is no Wells Fargo...yet. The First Shoshone National banks will become WF, but not for another couple of weeks. But, the kind souls that they are, they are willing to cash a check drawn off of the national treasury. I suppose they can assume the government's good for it.

So Coops and I spent a whole day in Cody, did some shopping and had a nice evening relaxing at home.

Today we took our time getting up and, letting cooper out to pee, I started my laundry. a dollar to wash a dollar to dry. I have a roll of quarters I remembered to get from the bank. And I had a sovereign mission while I am here in Yellowstone and that is to get people stuff.

I like to buy stuff. Fishing Bridge is the closest general store (a place where I can buy goodies and stuff for people-whoohoo)and, as it is closing next Monday, I thought it would behoove me to get my backside over there today to go and buy the stuff people have requested.

So Coops and I got into the car and drove. We stopped at Sylvan Lake, took some pictures, drove up a little further, stopped at an overlook and took some pictures of Lake Yellowstone and some pretty impressive verga. A nice drive through Pelican Valley and finally we reached Fishing Bridge.

And what did I find?

A whole section of stuff 50% off. I am a girl and things were on a killer sale. I am weak and I needed to buy Christmas presents. I came, I shopped I conquered. Although, I did manage to resist a $5 item cashier was trying to get me to buy. I was not that weak. I was proud of myself. ha! I do have willpower! Go me.

I had fun.

And now it is the end of the day, I have a chicken boiling in a crock pot and it has made the inside of my apartment smell all so delightful. Cooper is whining to get out of the entrance station and so I think I will say goodnight.

We shall see what is in store for me next weekend. I am going to try and get to the Buffalo Bill Museum and there is a rodeo in Cody every evening at 8. Who knows what can happen. :D

as ever, love you guys.



Trzaal said...

Home on Nov 3rd eh? you time to relax...wrap presents *snicker* (you will have to ask me bout that some time) and get used to the west coast again...and then WOTLK!!

If you give me a time I will 'try' to be awake Tuesday morning with my XYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ready to go.

Your Canadian Friend

Unknown said...

No, I am finished the third, I still have to get home. I'll prolly get home sometime the fifth.

And then oh man, I am so not ready for LK.

Trzaal said...

but wotlk is released on the 13th of Nov.

and are you sure you won't be ready? maybe Xylin will be but your mind set might not be.



Christina said...

Bleh. Who cares about WotLK? Unexcited.

I want a day off in the middle of the week. I just also want my weekend. Hahaha... I'm greedy. Though, it was always nice to have weekdays off when I worked at the Sheriff's department, because we did 2 8s and 2 12s. Though I hated working a 12 hour night.

Don't you love government paychecks? At least they're steady income.

Scott's off to San Antonio this week, for a HCV conference. Luckily, my mom's going to come stay with me. I hate being in the house alone.

Also, sales <3 the only way to buy.

I hope you at least took the feathers off, first. (Yeah, I'm being dumb.)

It's all cool here today. I think it's maybe 65 out, and a bit cloudy. Storm coming in. Poor Stefani. Remember her? Alumni coord? She's getting married tomorrow. And her reception is outside. Sucky. She was all freaked out the other day and we were all telling her "Oh, no, it won't rain.. if it does, it'll only be a few sprinkles, it's only the beginning of October. Don't worry! It'll be great!"

Heee! Go to the rodeo :D Fun.

So, yeah. I should be working. Guess I will, now.

Unknown said...

To T, Xy is not ready for it. Dunno how ready I can be either. :S

Do Christina.

Oh man, I nearly cried in delight for the sale. There are a few more things I want to get. (read: a few things I need to get because I got stuff for the froglet but forgot about froglet's mommy and daddy-oops :D Obviously I think the froglet is more important. :P)

Things are closing down and I still have to get Mish a birthday present. :D Love you misha.

and then, somehow, I get to fit it all in the car and come home on the third.

Jenn said...

DId you get your ballot thingie?

Remember: don't spend all your money. You'll need it for the trip home next month!

Jenn said...

Oh, and the teller at WF said that you need to give them a check for the correct routing #, not a deposit slip.


Christina said...

Ha. I missed you the second time because I was getting my hair cut. (I hadn't since before my birthday, so... almost 4 months :/ )It looks good though :D She did the best blow out, so I didn't wash it this morning or have to straighten it, I just ran the straightening iron through it and left.

Anyhow, I agree on watching your money :P

Tomorrow I get to go hear the froglet's heartbeat, I think :D should be far enough along for that.

Unknown said...

yaa for the froglet and yay on your haircut, four months?? I guess it's about time.

And I am watching it. I think I have enough food to see me through the rest of the month now.