Wednesday, August 13, 2008


As many of you might already know, I am headed for Yellowstone National Park to work as a Park Ranger at the North Entrance Gate. I am really excited about this opportunity and as such, I felt that my trip there and my experience in the park deserve to be expressed.

But, as it is quite difficult to send out a hundred emails each time I so much as want to send a picture of a moose, I figured that a blog would be the sanest course of action. Yes, I know, I am thinking clearly, heaven help me.

I hope to keep all of you updated about where I am, what I am doing and so forth through this great medium, as I said, emailing you guys would be a hassle and a pain and quite frankly, I am not sure you're worth it. But then, I just might find this to be a pain and a hassle and wonder why I didn't simply email you guys. I suppose we shall never know shall we?

There will be wonderful use of verbiage as well as awe-inspiring pictures to astound the senses. And yes, I might actually use poly-syllabic words. I'm going to bring a dictionary and everything. :D Please comment, I will love to hear from you, especially those who I will be missing (you know who you are).

And if I know you from some place other than real life, go ahead and give me your handle, your nick, your toon or whatever. I'll know who you are and that's the important thing right?

I will most likely be leaving Wednesday, August the 27 and I will try and post every day. It might require a few minutes in a starbucks and a cup of tea but, I will try and keep you posted as I am on the road.

That's about it for now, until the morrow-


Jenn said...

Oh great...anpther blog to read!

Unknown said...

yeah well... it could be worse. I don't know how, but it could be worse. :D

Anonymous said...

I'll make life easier on you mom, I think i'm going to take my blog down.

Unknown said...


I was going to do this through the mac thing you had made yours on mish but I didn't know what it was and really, I didn't want it to be stuck on this computer. Not a good idea I think.

Nebraskian said...

well good luck with your new job hope to see ya on wow once and while we will party and have fun

Unknown said...

thanks NE!

Jenn said...

Man, taking down M&M's blog? Ouch.