Sunday, January 16, 2011

Iron Constitution & Paper Towels

When it comes to canine children, I think I have it fairly easy. All things considered. My Cooper is properly house trained and she loves her mommy and, after 3 solid years of rearing, she is a good girl I have no problem letting her off leash even at a friend's house. I can also give her just about anything and she'll eat it. My baby isn't exactly a picky eater.

She also has an iron constitution.

Many pet parents have strict diets for their children. I have good friends who have a kitty who requires a very strict diet. I can feed Cooper anything. Though she doesn't like it, she is able to eat the cheapest dog food or the most expensive stuff on the market. Sure, she would love to have fresh meat for each meal but I don't have the money for that. She didn't exactly pick a rich mommy. Several years ago she even ate all but a few slices of a large salami and pepperoni pizza.

Many people supposed that she would toss it up. She didn't. I have never seen her throw up anything she has eaten.

Unlike her cousins.

My sister and I ordered some chinese food the other day. Last night I took the rest of the meat and allowed the dogs to help themselves to the remaining vegetables. They gobbled it up in appreciation. The food didn't agree with them. Both Roxie and Kai rejected their meal. Just about the same time. Roxie threw up in three different locations, including mom's $130 Ikea couch. Kai just chose to soil a blanket that happened to have been on mom's other $130 Ikea couch. Yes Mom, they've been cleaned up.

Only once I have seen to the girls did I run upstairs to check on Cooper who was curled up under the blankets on my bed. She wasn't exactly pleased to have me disturb her.

She also has shown no signs of rejecting her treat from last night.

But, a half roll of paper towels and a load of laundry later, all three girls are now curled up recharging. Roxie is on the floor at my feet, Coops is on the Lazy Boy and Kai is tucked up under my arm.

I am just glad I didn't need to clean up after myself. After all, I am not exactly known for my iron constitution.


Erudite Aspie said...

Poor babies...

Unknown said...

I think they're feeling better now though. We were playing fetch a bit ago while I was trying to pick up all the detritus on the living room floor.