Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I am currently sitting in the Library in Cody, WY and checking up on the vast numbers of emails and waiting for a certain english bloke to come onto skype (who emailed me while I was sitting here, not realizing it and telling me he was going to take a nap-of all the luck).

I got to the east gate a little before 1700 MST and I did something amazing (almost) I not only unloaded the car but I put everything away! Okay, I did neglect to put away the stuff in the bathroom but I did do that first thing this morning, seeing as I really needed brush my teeth and take a shower. I even made my bed, which has already been upset as I slept in the freshly made bed and put the clothes I was wearing into the laundry basket.

Banner start. The real question is, how long can I keep everything this tidy. I am determined to prove that I can change and not be the slob I normally am. Hey, the first step to recovery is acceptance right? And no, I am not addicted to Diet Coke, it's just a joyous thing I drink during breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, lunch, dinner then supper. And just because I sometimes have Diet Coke for second breakfast, dinner and elevenses doesn't mean I have a problem or anything...

And somehow I have, once again, gotten off topic.

Another bad habit.

But yes, for all of you who were waiting for word, I arrived safe and sound, thank you.

And now, because that english guy isn't online I think I am going to close up shop,, get a tasty sandwich from the bistro in the library (I prefer my sandwiches to be toasted) and go and visit some friends I have here in town, do some grocery shopping as, hi, there is no food then return home.

I'll update as and when I can. No pics yet, been too busy driving although with the clouds covering the mountains, beautiful.


Erudite Aspie said...

Yay, Em! Why am I not thinking your goal of keeping everything tidy is going to last? I know my sister.

Then again, if you DO do it, I'll have to eat my words and grovel at your feet. Hmmm...

Christina said...

I'm very impressed. Now, let's see a picture in two months...

Unknown said...

I know right?

I do have breakfast dishes to put away but... I am going to try!

The hardest part is that everything has to be handwashed and I really hate that.