Gen and I went to Old Faithful yesterday. Lots of fun. We stopped at Fishing Bridge (pictures will be coming later) where Cooper decided to get into Yellowstone River. For a girl who doesn't like water, she is awfully drawn to it. And then, just down the road we were stopped by a herd of buffalo who were standing in the middle of the road. I did get several pictures but as I am at my work computer and not in Cody on mine, you're going to have to wait for pictures, I am sorry. There were several cows with their calves, aww, so cute!
And then we stopped at Lake Yellowstone where Cooper chased the breakers. It was really windy, really cold, really cloudly and the water was really choppy. My girl had a blast running up and down up and down. At one point she braved getting her belly wet to try and grab a stick. Only it was a log about 6 feet long. The waves came up and she spooked and backed down. Funny as all get out though.
And then we stopped for a bit at West Thumb Geseyer basin. There is something there I saw that I think I might get for Misha. ;D Yes, I am already getting Christmas ideas for you guys. Coops was not allowed on the boardwalk so she had to stay in the car. Again, I have pictures for you and the next time I am in Cody I will try and get that done. And because I am my mother's daughter, I took pictures of signs, lots of signs.
And then we headed to Old Faithful.
We got there just as it was about to erupt so Gen and I both decided we got there at the perfect time. After a while though you're like, ok, it's still going. Then we had lunch and walked about the boardwalk there and looked at the other geothermal pools and geysers about the place. Really cool.
It was cold, it was wet and we had a great time. After that we headed home. We were both a little tired (it's at least a two hour drive to Old Faithful not including the stops) and then a nice, two hour drive back. We got home just in time for supper.
As of today, it is cloudy and gray and a very cold 39.5 degress. Cooper and I are about to head home from our pee walk. There will be more later.
Oh, and I am missing phone calls from a certain someone. I won't mention any names but his name starts with a D and the second one is an A. Hint hint.
As ever, I love you guys.
Yay! (Now, this is what I want to hear - I can travel vicariously through you.) I'm dying to see pictures. Cooper's such a funny girl. Poor baby, she wanted the BIG stick. The geothermal pools are so awesome, and interesting - even if they smell funny. I'm so envious. I keep trying to somehow make time work backward or something so I could come up and visit while you're there. It was 96 here today - nice and cool! haha
I can't wait to see the photos, too.
It is currently 66 outside. High. :D
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