My life is surrounded by little signs, stickers and the such that tells me the item I am using belongs to the federal government.
I understand, you don't believe me, then I must prove my words.
We have a clipboard in each of the fee booths and on them is written, "this clipboard belongs to Yellowstone National park, you have stolen property of the federal government please return to the east entrance."
The trashcans in the booths say "property of the federal government"
And the really ancient phone in my apartment? yes, that too has a sticker on the bottom that reads poperty of the federal government.
And, my friends, it gets better.
I went up to Mammoth the other day (it's like the Valley for those who understand YOSE terms) to do the new hire paperwork and to, aha, get my NPS ID card. Yes, I even took the picture with the hat on because I knew I'd hear about it if I didn't. I was told, however that no one was going to be able to see it since I will have to give it back at the end of the season (which will go until Nov. 4 by the way) because that is, you guessed it, property of the federal government and only federal employees are allowed to have a federal ID card.
I thought that was quite funny.
I guess the only thing not belonging to the federal government is my uniform but, for those of you who don't know, you're not supposed to wear any NPS item unless you are in full uniform. So that means I'm not supposed to walk about town wearing my NPS baseball hat unless I am in uniform.
And a part of my uniform is the badge which, I have learned I will have to return at the end of the season...unless I want to pay $50 for the badge.
Oh, and it'll cost me $35 to retain my ID card.
Anyway, it's now ten after nine here and I do get to open tomorrow, yay!
I will talk to you all later.
As ever, I love you all
Government Issue Emily?
Better check your butt for a sticker before you come back...
I know, huh? It is kinda funny if you ask me. And I just discovered that the calendars we have in the booths have Property of the Federal Government on them as well.
Big brother??
On a cooler note, finally saw a bear today. In my own back yard so to speak, though way far off.
If you'd brought Sadia with you you'd have seen one on the first day!
hehe, that is probably true. There have been reports of a grizzly mama and a cub just down the road a few miles east of the entrance station here. She's been seen for the last several days.
And we got hail! Or was it sleet? I think it was hail, Clark said it could also be sleet.
There's not necessarily a visibly discernible difference between hail and sleet (if by sleet we mean ice pellets, rather than a mix of snow and rain). The difference is actually how they're formed. Hail only comes from cumulonimbus clouds in the updraft of a storm system, and consists of layers of transparent and sometimes translucent ice around some nucleus (like dust). Ice pellets, or sleet, form when there's a layer of warmer air between layers of freezing air both above and below, and are just little translucent ice balls. Considering your weather and the time of year, it's highly likely it was actually hail. :D Useless info ftw!
See, I thought it was hail and those clouds, though white as all get out, looked like cumulous. I even took a picture of some hail on my fleece jacket which is really warm by the way.
Oh, and I am going to be having 8 hours of OT tomorrow.
Looking forward to that wrangled grizzly cub your bringing me. Don't have to personally deliver it to Australia, just shove it in a box and sent it here :).
Ha! Like that's gonna happen. I mean, I have to see a grizzly first, right? :P
Anyway, how are things going? Anyone missing me yet? :)
Hail and sleet might feel the same, but they're totally different.
It was high 80s here today...no hail or sleet or even rain.
Ok, ok get this! Found out what or who Matilda is in "Waltzing Matilda"
Back in the day Swag men or your basic "Hitchhiker" would have confests and gatherings around a fire. Like a camp no less.
These gatherings would have a lackluster amount of Women. They were sausage fests.
Dancing was prevalent, and the people that had women had a chance to dance and show her off to the others.
What did lonely swag men do? Dance with their travel bags or "tucker bags". And so they called their bags Matilda as a predominant name.
Australia was filled with lonely people :)
Ive taken a leave of absence from wow to get my life on track. Dont worry ill see you when you get back though. So yes haven't heard much from guildies.
I'd kill to work in a forest. Thats a wondrous dream.
Wishing you all the best under the watchful guise of both the government issue policies and an overdue volcano :)
Take care
Emily's taken a leave of absence from WoW because, alas, one must eventually join the grownup world.
More's the pity.
You need to post again. There are too many comments on this one.
Not just that, Christina, but we're feeling deprived without an Emily update, right?
Exactly! If we get over 10 comments, I figure it means we've been waiting too long.
I'll add something new tomorrow. I just got paid (finally) and I am going to make a trip into cody.
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