Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Yard

What? you can't see the buck in the first one? Sorry, I further than the 25 yards one is required to be away from wildlife when I took a picture of him. And I don't have a great camera for taking close ups. oh well. the second one is the side yard. yeah, cooper and I walk down to the road almost on a daily basis, even if it's just to get the mail. It's great fun for her to run along the path and smell stuff.

Anyway, I am sorry I have not been posting much lately. I swear, if I am at home I have to deal with dial-up and when I am in cody, I have to deal with very pathetic wifi. i can't get a decent signal no matter where I go!

it is aggravating to say the least. Looks as if I am going to be heading to Billings on the 7th in order to find a starbucks so that I can get some decent internet. We shall see what shall become of that soon I suppose.

As it is, I am trying to find a winter post...somewhere.

I am applying for different posts at different parks so we shall see what becomes of it.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Property of the Federal Government.

My life is surrounded by little signs, stickers and the such that tells me the item I am using belongs to the federal government.

I understand, you don't believe me, then I must prove my words.

We have a clipboard in each of the fee booths and on them is written, "this clipboard belongs to Yellowstone National park, you have stolen property of the federal government please return to the east entrance."

The trashcans in the booths say "property of the federal government"

And the really ancient phone in my apartment? yes, that too has a sticker on the bottom that reads poperty of the federal government.

And, my friends, it gets better.

I went up to Mammoth the other day (it's like the Valley for those who understand YOSE terms) to do the new hire paperwork and to, aha, get my NPS ID card. Yes, I even took the picture with the hat on because I knew I'd hear about it if I didn't. I was told, however that no one was going to be able to see it since I will have to give it back at the end of the season (which will go until Nov. 4 by the way) because that is, you guessed it, property of the federal government and only federal employees are allowed to have a federal ID card.

I thought that was quite funny.

I guess the only thing not belonging to the federal government is my uniform but, for those of you who don't know, you're not supposed to wear any NPS item unless you are in full uniform. So that means I'm not supposed to walk about town wearing my NPS baseball hat unless I am in uniform.

And a part of my uniform is the badge which, I have learned I will have to return at the end of the season...unless I want to pay $50 for the badge.

Oh, and it'll cost me $35 to retain my ID card.

Anyway, it's now ten after nine here and I do get to open tomorrow, yay!

I will talk to you all later.

As ever, I love you all

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Pee Walk

A Pee walk?

Yes, Cooper gets to go on daily pee walks. This is the time when we have a morning or an afternoon free and I hook her up to her leash and we go for a walk so she can mark and remark her territory. Now, she is very good about this. There is a path that goes from our front door to a mailbox on the side of the road. Bison and other animals cross the path (I know this because she has all but vibrated sniffing their scent and they leave scat) so she has to reestablish her territory. And then we follow the road, head to the entrance station, say hi to people who are working and then we head back home.

That is, this is how it typically is.

Aside from yesterday that is. Cooper and I went for a slightly different pee walk the other day. We went down to the Shoshone River and got wet. I had on my work boots which are water proof so I didn't get as wet. Now, as you might have guess Coops is built slightly lower to the ground than I am an she has the advantage of having four paws to my two feet. This does not make for a good combination when she is still on leash and wants to run.

Over rocks.

Of course she goes bounding over rocks and grass while I am hurrying to keep up. And yes, you guessed it. I wouldn't say I was running but my foot got caught on a rock and I had a brilliant fall. I scratched my leg and it still hurts but thankfully I had taken the precaution of wearing a pair of jeans so they now have a nice stain of the local flora. And I missed hitting my head on a giant rock by mere inches. I scraped my wrists a bit. Better my wrists than my head I think.

And what did my faithful and trusty canine do? Simple, she looked back at me and looked at me wondering why I was resting.

So I got up, brushed myself off and then we had to get back up the bank to the street. Now, of course we could have taken the trail that we had taken on our way down, but no, that would have been too easy. And I think Coops had taken us beyond it. So we go up the hard way. At first we tried to go up the bank made mostly of dirt and flora. That didn't work. Nor was the half-hearted attempt to go up loose rocks. But a little further along I found something a little more stable. I had to grab Coops by her harness and tug her up onto the bank and from there we were able to hit the street, go to the entrance station, check some mail and then go home.

I even worked on the book some.

And today Coops whined while I made use of the gym upstairs.

But people need the computer so I think that this is gonna be it for now. I might, next time I head into town, go to Billings, MT instead. I hear the have a petsmart or maybe a petco. And it's only a 2 hour drive (and as Ryan the LE said the other day, it's all relative in the mts.)

As ever, I love you all.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

You Shall Not Pass!

Gen and I went to Old Faithful yesterday. Lots of fun. We stopped at Fishing Bridge (pictures will be coming later) where Cooper decided to get into Yellowstone River. For a girl who doesn't like water, she is awfully drawn to it. And then, just down the road we were stopped by a herd of buffalo who were standing in the middle of the road. I did get several pictures but as I am at my work computer and not in Cody on mine, you're going to have to wait for pictures, I am sorry. There were several cows with their calves, aww, so cute!

And then we stopped at Lake Yellowstone where Cooper chased the breakers. It was really windy, really cold, really cloudly and the water was really choppy. My girl had a blast running up and down up and down. At one point she braved getting her belly wet to try and grab a stick. Only it was a log about 6 feet long. The waves came up and she spooked and backed down. Funny as all get out though.

And then we stopped for a bit at West Thumb Geseyer basin. There is something there I saw that I think I might get for Misha. ;D Yes, I am already getting Christmas ideas for you guys. Coops was not allowed on the boardwalk so she had to stay in the car. Again, I have pictures for you and the next time I am in Cody I will try and get that done. And because I am my mother's daughter, I took pictures of signs, lots of signs.

And then we headed to Old Faithful.

We got there just as it was about to erupt so Gen and I both decided we got there at the perfect time. After a while though you're like, ok, it's still going. Then we had lunch and walked about the boardwalk there and looked at the other geothermal pools and geysers about the place. Really cool.

It was cold, it was wet and we had a great time. After that we headed home. We were both a little tired (it's at least a two hour drive to Old Faithful not including the stops) and then a nice, two hour drive back. We got home just in time for supper.

As of today, it is cloudy and gray and a very cold 39.5 degress. Cooper and I are about to head home from our pee walk. There will be more later.

Oh, and I am missing phone calls from a certain someone. I won't mention any names but his name starts with a D and the second one is an A. Hint hint.

As ever, I love you guys.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

One's Duty

Aw, now then I know what you're thinking, so you're a ranger at Yellowstone but what do you do?

I am glad you ask. As I am about to head into my weekend, I have had the opportunity to taste each of the different shifts we have here at the East Entrance. There is the 7-16:00 shift in which one is repsonsible for opening. When this is me, I get to check the meter that shows how many people have passed through our gate. I record this number after opening up the station. My next job is to put up the flag, get my money and open a booth, this way I can get more money! :D
I have to check the weather, print up the reports, make sure there is one in all three booths, then I need to check the tempuratures for the day, recording the high, the low and the observation temperature as well as what kind of percipitation we have gotten over the day as well as what kind of percipitation it was. We report this daily. At 13:00 we do the fire weather. We have what are called the 10 hour logs that mimick the "fuel" on the ground. We record how much moisture it has. And then we check the high and low humidity, the high and low temperature (something we have already done in the morning, as well as how much percipitation we have (two different measurements). This is followed by wind speed and direction. We write all of this down and report our numbers. On Monday we do the 1100 hour logs. We weigh them and report how much they weighed.

And then there is closing where we do several reports, take down the flag, turn on lights, close up shop and hope we don't have to come in early the next day.

So yes, it is more than just taking people's money.

Love you all


Monday, September 8, 2008


Well I am officially in the gray and green! I get to smile all day, work in one of the most beautiful places in the country and take people's money. It is always interesting working with the public. Some people don't seem too happy to be in a National Park. Which I don't understand, I mean, how can you be miserable in such scenery? Yes, I do have a picture of me in my uniform, well,part of it. I don't have a full picture yet, but I'll get that. I just can't upload it yet. Maybe when I get to Cody again I'll be able to.

But then I shall have loads of pictures for you guys.

I am sorry that the guild is emptier now. :( I guess that T or Sol or someone needs to do something to enliven it. No more shouts when people log on? Sigh.

I might be here until the end of october.

I love you and miss you


And Coops says hi.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


There is a pizza hut in Cody, Wy where they have wifi. Thank god for small miracles. This is where I can buy groceries and do stuff of that nature and it's only 56 miles away from Yellowstone! Whoohoo! Yeah, I have to get gas every time I come into town, crazy.

but anyway... I have the story here for your enjoyment:
Thursday, September 4, 2008 23:34 MST

I have just gotten out of the bath and it felt fine. I washed my feet first since they were quite dirty after two days of constant travel. And oh boy did the hot water feel good! It’s always nice to soak in a bath, even more so when you’ve been on the road for two days.

I have an apartment all to myself. I have a neighbor named Genevieve, love the name. There is also an LE ranger upstairs to me and more LE just up the road. I live really close the east entrance and so it’ll be a short walk to work everyday. When you come in through the east entrance you hook the first right and there is a road. It says no entry but then, it’s supposed to be a private road. There is a set of apartments and then further down the lane is another one, I live in the second one. My apartment is off to the side, just down the slope from the driveway. Mine is the first door and Gen is the second.

I got most of my stuff into the apartment tonight but there are a few things I left in the trunk, I’ll get them out in the morning, though I intend on sleeping myself out. Cooper is confused and she is being skittish and shy. I am sorry. Mom said that she will be happy to come home when we leave here and I think she is right. I have her pillow and her toy but I don’t think coops thinks it’s the same thing. For one she doesn’t recognize any of the scents. She is sitting in the dark on my Mexican blanket staring at the wall. I think she is in shock and not quite sure what is going on. I am sure she will adjust. I think she’s gonna miss Mom but had she stayed in Sac, I know she would have been pining for me almost as much as I’d be missing her.

So, as to my trip I left Sac about two PST (or around there) and drove straight on through Nevada. At one point I stopped to get some gas in Mill City (edit the right name later). It was one of those trucker stops and I was highly amused to see a casino inside. I was going to ignore it then I saw the nickel slots. Whoohoo! I decided to blow five bucks. I figured it’d take me about 5 minutes to go through it.

It didn’t. I’d win 5 credits here, 10 there, an occasional 20. Oye, how and I supposed to leave if I keep getting this? I had more fun looking for older coins than I did plunking in the nickels. I have several 1964 nickels. Not even paying attention, I drop in a nickel (yes I was doing it one at a time) and next thing I know I won 800 credits. Whoohoo! So I left having made $35 bucks. I was excited. I had used a 5 dollar bill I didn’t even know I had had in the car so it was really cool all around. I had dinner which I couldn’t finish. Cooper did however and she was starving.

At this point I was tired but eh, I could go further on. So we drove and drove and drove. I kept looking at signs for hotels thinking should I? Should I stop now? But I was fine, at least I felt fine, so I continued to drive. Until I hit absolute zero. Cooper and I stopped at a rest stop in Beowaw (edit correct spelling) in Nevada. I went pee but Coops abstained. So about midnight we settled down to sleep. I had even taken off her harness.

I had set the iPod to play for 15 minutes and I must have fallen off to sleep in that fifteen minutes because it had stopped and Cooper was growling lowly. She was being a good guard dog. There were a few men who had pulled up one slot over from me and they were standing outside talking loudly. Cooper began to make noise when she thought they were getting too close to the car. I would like to make a note here, had I not had my Coops, I would have hit a hotel. But I had a locked door, pepper spray and a dog. I was ready.

And I remember at one point I shot up out of a mostly sound sleep when a truck moved past the car. It sounded like the side of the highway they rib so your car shudders and makes that horrible noise to wake you up. My first thought was I had fallen asleep while driving. Then I remembered where I was and then I tried to get some sleep. As I was unable to scoot or lean the seat back, it was not very comfortable. Had I known how uncomfortable, I would have stayed in a hotel. I didn’t sleep very well.

I had set the alarm for 7 AM PST. I was awake and gone by 6:30. I stopped at a gas station that had a burger king and I got two chicken biscuits. Cooper and I shared it. Mostly the chicken though she did have some the buiscy feet first since they were quite dirty after two days of constant travel. And oh boy did the hot water feel good! It’s always nice to soak in a bath, even more so when you’ve been on the road for two days.

I have an apartment all to myself. I have a neighbor named Genevieve, love the name. There is also an LE ranger upstairs to me and more LE just up the road. I live really close the east entrance and so it’ll be a short walk to work everyday. When you come in through the east entrance you hook the first right and there is a road. It says no entry but then, it’s supposed to be a private road. There is a set of apartments and then further down the lane is another one, I live in the second one. My apartment is off to the side, just down the slope from the driveway. Mine is the first door and Gen is the second.

I got most of my stuff into the apartment tonight but there are a few things I left in the trunk, I’ll get them out in the morning, though I intend on sleeping myself out. Cooper is confused and she is being skittish and shy. I am sorry. Mom said that she will be happy to come home when we leave here and I think she is right. I have her pillow and her toy but I don’t think coops thinks it’s the same thing. For one she doesn’t recognize any of the scents. She is sitting in the dark on my Mexican blanket staring at the wall. I think she is in shock and not quite sure what is going on. I am sure she will adjust. I think she’s gonna miss Mom but had she stayed in Sac, I know she would have been pining for me almost as much as I’d be missing her.

So, as to my trip I left Sac about two PST (or around there) and drove straight on through Nevada. At one point I stopped to get some gas in Mill City (edit the right name later). It was one of those trucker stops and I was highly amused to see a casino inside. I was going to ignore it then I saw the nickel slots. Whoohoo! I decided to blow five bucks. I figured it’d take me about 5 minutes to go through it.

It didn’t. I’d win 5 credits here, 10 there, an occasional 20. Oye, how and I supposed to leave if I keep getting this? I had more fun looking for older coins than I did plunking in the nickels. I have several 1964 nickels. Not even paying attention, I drop in a nickel (yes I was doing it one at a time) and next thing I know I won 800 credits. Whoohoo! So I left having made $35 bucks. I was excited. I had used a 5 dollar bill I didn’t even know I had had in the car so it was really cool all around. I had dinner which I couldn’t finish. Cooper did however and she was starving.

At this point I was tired but eh, I could go further on. So we drove and drove and drove. I kept looking at signs for hotels thinking should I? Should I stop now? But I was fine, at least I felt fine, so I continued to drive. Until I hit absolute zero. Cooper and I stopped at a rest stop in Beowaw (edit correct spelling) in Nevada. I went pee but Coops abstained. So about midnight we settled down to sleep. I had even taken off her harness.

I had set the iPod to play for 15 minutes and I must have fallen off to sleep in that fifteen minutes because it had stopped and Cooper was growling lowly. She was being a good guard dog. There were a few men who had pulled up one slot over from me and they were standing outside talking loudly. Cooper began to make noise when she thought they were getting too close to the car. I would like to make a note here, had I not had my Coops, I would have hit a hotel. But I had a locked door, pepper spray and a dog. I was ready.

And I remember at one point I shot up out of a mostly sound sleep when a truck moved past the car. It sounded like the side of the highway they rib so your car shudders and makes that horrible noise to wake you up. My first thought was I had fallen asleep while driving. Then I remembered where I was and then I tried to get some sleep. As I was unable to scoot or lean the seat back, it was not very comfortable. Had I known how uncomfortable, I would have stayed in a hotel. I didn’t sleep very well.

I had set the alarm for 7 AM PST. I was awake and gone by 6:30. I stopped at a gas station that had a burger king and I got two chicken biscuits. Cooper and I shared it. Mostly the chicken though she did have some the biscuits and then we were on the road. We hit Salt Lake City about lunch time. I had planned on heading north at Wells but it was odd so I decided to go for the safer route. We had Carl’s Jr. for lunch. I think I was hungrier than she was but she did like our sandwich (#16 no ranch)-yes, I share my food with her. But now that we are in our temporary home she has a bowl of her real food.

I had originally planned on stopping for the night in Pocatello ID. I was tired and I could get to bed early and then get a really early start and get into Yellowstone during the day. But when I hit Pocatellow, Idaho Falls wasn’t that far off. So I figured I’d stop there. I was told that Idaho Falls was only about an hour and a half from the west entrance of Yellowstone. It was slightly more than that. But I figured I could do that. And I thought I’d be able to get to the east entrance before the sun went down.

That was interesting. Unlike Yosemite, the roads are not as clearly marked as I would like so I had to stop, pull over, check the map and my surroundings to make sure I was on the right road. I looked at the map and realized I needed to go to West Thumb. Ok. So I saw a sign that said West Thumb, this way. So I went that way. But I am still paranoid so I had to check the map yet again. Finally I get to a sign that says East Enrance 28 miles. I figure, oh thank God, I should be there in about half hour 45 minutes. Yeah, right. Not when you have to go 25 MPH just to be safe. Did I mention by this time the only light was the light from my headlights? Although I did figure, at one point, I had to be going east because the lighter color sky was in my rearview window. I was right.

And just when I thought I’d never get there, I saw a sign that said, East Entrance. Oh thank god. I found the first set of apartments and Dennis (more about who he is later) showed me where I was living, helped me bring in some stuff, lent me his flashlight then went home to go to bed.

I am going to go and get the sticker for my car tomorrow and, since I have no food (only diet coke) I need to ask him where I can buy groceries.

One thing I noticed is that the gas in Idaho is expensive. More even than at home! And the gas in Wyoming? Even worse (at least from what I saw of it). Hopefully the town where I will be doing my shopping isn’t going to be charging me 4.15 for a gallon of gas. At prices like that, there is no way I’m going to be able to actually enjoy this marvelous place!

Anyway, it is 20 past midnight and I am tired, not a little hungry and my lips are severely chapped. I will have pictures to add once the batteries charge. Yeah, bed time.

Edit: We stopped at the Bonneville rest stop and cooper had fun running around on the salt. She was thirsty and at one point she tried to drink some of the water. Then she tried to spat it back out. A minute later she tried to drink it again. And she spat it right back out. I gave her some water when we got back into the car.

Oh, and on our way in we saw bison and moose. Exciting. I didn’t stop to take pictures though, I didn’t want to make any stops until I got here.

Edit: I had forgotten when I was in Idado a truck with what appeared to be O2 tanks in the back pulled up behind me, saw that I was from CA, moved into the passing lane and the old man (well, daddy’s age maybe) smiled and waved. I waved back. Ok. Either they’re really friendly in ID or they just thought it was cool I was from CA or they’re just a couple of Ychromosomes who saw a girl in a car from CA.

And this from today:

Friday, September 5, 2008 9:34 MST

Woke up when the phone rang for Gen about 7 this morning. Groan. I tried to go back to sleep but I have so many things to do. Took Coops out to go pee and she seemed really excited to be out in wilderness. Then we came back in, I put a few things away then I tried to go back to sleep. But there are so many things to do and I am so tired.

We just came back from a very short walk to get some pictures. We went across the road and I got a cramp in my leg, sonofabitch but those things hurt. So we just sat looking at a river and enjoyed the view. When my leg started to cooperate again Cooper and I came back, she peed again and now I am waiting for the pictures to upload. I think I am going to try and get some more sleep before I head up to the visitor’s center and talk to Dennis.

I have to admit though, as tired as I am, I am sure glad I decided to drive on through the night to get here. It was nice waking up in my own bed! At least for the time being. But still, it’s all mine! Ah, if only I had someone to share that bed with, it’s a full and it’s much larger than I am used to.

I read the housing information today and had I been living in a dorm or with a roommate I would not have been able to have her. But, because I have an apartment and I am flying solo I can have up to two pets. So if I suddenly adopt another dog (not something I am planning on doing) then I am still ok. But they have to be up on their shots for just about everything. I think she’s all up to date since she got everything in 2007, including parvo.

I think she likes it here and if I weren’t so tired and still in my jammies (yes, walking around in my jammies, we’d still be out there. Plenty of time to run amuck in the great outdoors.


Just finished loading pictures and making comments. Gen came over and we had a nice chat about stuff. I am still tired. I need to get over to the service station, talk to Dennis and head to Cody, Wy where I can buy gas and groceries. I have been told it only takes about an hour to get there and that it is a speed trap. I need to get the rest of the stuff from my car though.

Coops loves Gen so she must be a good person. :D

Not calculating 2 gas receipts, I spent $131.79 coming out here. Some of that was in cash. I think I started out with $120 in cash and right now I have $110. Nice, having won that $40 huh? That paid for 2 meals for coops and me. Now I need to get the rest of the stuff out of the car and make a list of things I need to buy. Groceries are important.

Have I mentioned that it’s cold? Hehe, quite chilly in fact.

13:56 MST

Just got my work keys, my schedule for this week and two badges (badges? We don’t need no stinking badges). I am probably going to be heading up to mammoth (where I was supposed to be working) to pick up my uniform, get my picture taken and do paper work. Hopefully Gen will have had her background check completed. Dennis (my boss) doesn’t want to send us up alone but wants to do it in go. And when we go, whoohoo! Government rig baby!

Here is my mailing address:
1 North Fork Highway
Cody, WY 82414

The phone to the entrance station:

My number at home (which is shared by Gen and a third seasonal)

I can’t call out unless I have a calling card, I am further in the park or in Cody, which is the closest town so please call me! I miss you and love you all.

So make sure and keep in touch. That phone is a party line so don't be surprised if someone answers it, just make sure to ask for me. Oh, now you want some pictures, doncha?? :D

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Movin Right Along

So today is the day. I am waiting for mum's new mac to get here before I leave. And then It's bye bye. I will have internet only at the entrance station so I will be able to check up on my and the blog but unless I travel the 56 miles to the nearest town (yeah, that's for groceries too) I won't be able to do much more than that. And in order to have a signal on my phone I will have to go 20 miles. I love you all dearly but 20 miles is a distance just for a chat. There will be a community phone and in order to use that I will have to use a credit card (but do I love you this much?). I am assuming you can reach me there, I am not too sure.

On another note, there is a slight chance I might be able to bring my coops. I asked the Dennis (the guy who called me earlier) if this was going to be a no go and he asked a few people. Looks like some people do, in fact, have dogs here. So we shall see. He is going to make some calls to the housing manager and see if that's going to be ok. I am crossing my fingers tightly. I will edit this as I know more.

Edit: I just found out! I can bring Cooper! Oh happy day! I am so excited! This will make my trip somewhat longer since I will have to stop more often so she can pee and stuff but oh man. God loves me!

Edit: So as I was coming home last night, unbeknownst to mi mater but beknownst to me, my coops was avidly running up and down the stairs and to the front door about an hour before I got home. Mom was thinking that maybe something was outside. Nope, it appears as if my dog and I have a cosmic connection. How else can you account for the fact she knew her mommy was coming home and hour before her grammy did?

Oh, and thanks Mummy for letting me take your pink iPod to Yellowstone with me.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


So I finally got the email today saying that I am cleared to work. I am currently in merced visiting people. Which means I have to leave tonight, go home, finish getting the last of my stuff into the car (thank god I did most of it already) and head out tomorrow morning.

And I need to find the cable for my camera to my computer. Doesn't do me much good to have the camera and the computer and no cable. Oye.

And though I am gonna miss you guys I am so excited about leaving!