There was supposed to be a fifty percent chance of rain and snow today. I think we should make that a hundred percent chance of snow. We had a few drizzles of snow on the sixth but today the skies turned white and down came the snow. I have been taking pictures like a fool. As soon as I get home I am going to let coops out (after I put on her sweater) and see how she likes the snow. I am so excited about this I can't even begin to tell you guys.
The worst part is, is that I've had Christmas carols stuck in my head all day (notably the refrain from Let It Snow) and it's not even Samhain (Halloween, All Hallows Eve for those of you who don't know). I am already enjoying the snow and I've gotten snow all over me. hehe, this is a blast and a half.
They were calling for snow tires on the southern road to the teatons and then, about 4 this afternoon, they were calling for snow tires on Sylvan Pass (which is the road that leads west into the park from our entrance) and then, about twenty minutes later or thereabouts, they were calling for the pass to be closed until they could get a plow on the road. All of Yellowstone is under snow.
And it's supposed to be worse tomorrow.
They're calling for winter storm warning conditions from friday morning to saturday evening with 5-10 inches of snow tomorrow. Our meadow is just covered in snow, it is just simply beautiful. I am taking pictures and well, I will, hopefully, at some point in time, get pictures up.
Heck, this is cooler than the Buffalo Bill Museum.
And that was kinda cool. Maybe I'll talk about that at a later time. I had meant to on tuesday (when I went) but I had forgotten to. Maybe I should start making lists of things I do and need to post about.
Anyway, I am for home and I am going to make sure the heat is up in my apartment, gonna get the sweater on coops then watch her react to the snow. I am prediciting that she is not going to like it too much. I think her poor toesies (not rosies) are gonna get cold and she's not gonna like it so much.
We shall see.
As ever, love you all and give extra kisses to the Froglet who is, of course, the important one right now. :P