Monday, October 3, 2011

First Day of Class

So today was the first day of lectures.  I have only one class on Mondays and my second class is on Fridays.  Let me back up.  I am getting an MA in Historical Studies at Hull and MA candidates in History have to take two core classes, the first being Historiography and the second being Research Design and Strategy.  For some reason the profs want the students to understand what it means to study and write history, to have a good appreciate what a historian is and does.  All the MA students have to take these two courses so I'll be in the same classes with the same people for the next 12 weeks.

The first class started at 4:14 this afternoon but I left earlier as I wanted to get some errands run before class started.  My first stop was the International Office.  Last week I opened up a bank account and I was told that I needed to get a letter of introduction from the IO the following day.  When I had returned the following day I was informed that they were going to send them directly to the bank and I didn't need to do anything as the bank would just send me an email with my bank information.  Well, this was over a week ago and I wanted answers.  It turns out that the bank had come over and collected the letters so I walked back to the bank and was told that with the sheer number of students who had opened accounts with them, it was going to take a while for them to finish processing... she suggested I return on Friday.  Friday... bother.

So I left the bank and tracked down the guy who was processing the financial aid refund checks.  I was told that they would go out today.  Oh, foolish me.  Though he was polite I got the impression that he was less than thrilled that I had come asking about the checks.  He asked me if I had my banking details and I said I didn't have it yet so he said that I'd be getting a check.  Yeah, I know... and please do it before the USD goes down even more!!  :(  He said he was processing it today and a check would be cut and it'd be in the financial office either tomorrow or Wednesday.  Great.

It was about 3 at this point and I decided now would be a great time to figure out where my classes are being held.  I had assumed they were in the Larkin Building-where the history office are.  But I could not find WI-L9 on the map of West Larkin so I asked.  Silly me, that W wasn't for West nor was the I a lower case L in fact it stand for Wilberforce Hall.  And the nice lady at the History Inquiries office told me what WS stands for Whisk of course!  At least I know where my classes are and as the nice lady said, at least it was a question she could answer... which wasn't the case with the people in line ahead of me.

I got to the classroom an hour early and just got online and chilled until class started.  I met an older, middle aged man named Bruce and we chatted for a bit.  The first part of class will be lecture followed by a 15 minute coffee break and then return to class for discussion.  Personally I'd rather have no break and just end early but that's just me.  During discussion today the prof was insisting that people start thinking about their dissertation and wanted to know if anyone had an idea already.  Seems I am the only one who does.  And now the entire class knows I'm from California, as if the accent didn't give it away.  But it seems as if I am not only the only American in the class but I am the only International student.  Most of the kids there had just gotten their BA and all went to Hull for their undergrad and already know each other.  I think Bruce is the only person in the class who is older than me.  The nice old man thought I was 25.  Bless.  He was quite surprised to discover that I am 32.  He'd not have thought I was that old and I told him it's the Irish in me.

Class got out a little after 6 and Bruce and I walked out.  He went his way and I met Mark who was waiting for me.  I could see him looking out for me and not seeing me.  And then he did and he pointed to his watch and informed me that it was 6:10 and class ended at 6:05.  And because he is such a dear he had brought my peacoat just in case it decided to rain on the way home.  His hip is bothering him so he's fairly sure that we're in for a drenching.  Sounds like fun.  We got home and I made him take 2 Aleve while I heated up left-over lasagna.

Tomorrow I have a Dr. appointment at the local clinic at 11.  I am sure they're going to want to run all sorts of tests to make sure I am in tip top shape.  I suppose we shall see what shall happen but that is, like most things, meant for another post.


Unknown said...

So what did people think of your thesis topic?

Unknown said...

no reaction really. Or at least, if there was, I didn't see it because I was sitting in the front of the room and they were all behind me.

Erudite Aspie said...

I find it totally awesome that there is a Wilberforce Hall.