Fire and Ice, two things that seem not to go together well.
But then my friend, you're in Yellowstone now and we have both. Okay, so it's not really ice but then what else do you call that flaky white stuff that comes down out of the sky when it is really cold and can be called precipitation?
And isn't snow ice... technically?
So yes, while the forest is still on fire (though not as dire as it was just a few days ago) we now have snow! Eeek! I am excited, even if I am the only one. :D
I am hearing that we have about 6" of snow up in other parts of the park but we at the East Gate don't have that much yet. However, the mountains about us are already white and the trees are getting a good layer of snow on them as well. It is fall ladies and gentleman and I am really excited. I am hoping that we'll get some inches here at our gate over the next several days because Coops loves to play in the stuff.
I don't have pictures yet for you guys of either the fires or the snow because the computer Mish lent me is not wanting to turn back on. We had our electricity go out for about a 36 hours and when it came back on the comp refused to. I am so glad that the pictures I have already managed to get onto the comp are safely stored on my e-drive. But as soon as I can get that up and running I shall post some pictures. I was not going to get close to the fire but then... I didn't need to.
So anyway, the castle fire in the shoshone and the arnica fire by Bridge Bay aren't much of a threat any longer. Anyway I just wanted to let y'all know we got snow!!!
As you can tell I am muy excited about it. :D
love you,
I saw it on my daily weather :-) It's finally cooled off here! It was high of 78 today!
We had a high of 44 today! :D
It's gonna rain on my birthday!
The word I have to type to be able to post this is "listerca," which sounds either like some dread disease (Oh no, he's come down with listerca!) or the cure for said disease (No worries, a fortnight's listerca and he'll be good as new!).
that is kinda funny. Maybe we should use it in the book. Keltore recovered from his grecvious wounds by the liberal application of a salve made from the listerca plant commonly found in the shallow waters of the River Morrow.
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