It rained and it rained and it rained and it rained and it rained and then it stopped just long enough for the three of us to hop in the car to see the midwife. Speck decided she didn't want to move around much last night or this morning so Chia decided she was going to check with the midwife to make sure the fetal heart rate was up. It wasn't too much later after we called the midwife that Speck decided that she had tortured her mama enough and started moving around. The crazy child had changed positions inside her mother. But Speck is more than fine, her heart is beating well and though she isn't ready to be born tonight we might have a birth here in a week or so. Chia hopes that she comes on a Wednesday as that would give her daddy 12 days off instead of 10 as his 10 days would end on a friday and he'd get that weekend free. But Chia and I both think it'd be cool if she were born on May 1st too. I supposed that she'll come when she's good and ready, no matter what her mama or her daddy might prefer. Babies are persnickety like that I have noticed.
There was a tornado warning for the area so we decided that we were going to stay put. There was no tornado but a couple of Californian women are not exactly prepared to face even the prospect of a tornado, but we did discuss it. Should we end up having one we've decided that we were going to toss all the clothes on the floor where the is a V in the walls and make a shield against the closest windows with the table on its side. I guess we could also make a tent out of the blankets but I suppose we don't have to worry too much about it.
C and I had fun with our morning chores while Chia was enjoying a hot shower. C has a tendency to help her while she showers and for some reason she doesn't feel as if she needs his help. So he helped me do the breakfast dishes. We had groats for breakfast this morning. Before I took my shower I soaked them in some hot, soapy water so that when I was ready to clean them the pan would be easy to get clean. C and I divided up the work. I washed each dish in the suds, rinsed them off in cool water and held each item over the drying rack. I would then as C if he could put the plate/bowl/cup/whatever into the rack. He took each item and happily helped me lower the item right where I had positioned it. Then I handed him a spoon, showed him where it went and asked if he could put the spoon there. Then I asked him if he could put the spoon with the other one and he put it in the same spot as the other spoon. Then I handed him a fork and asked him if he could put it in with the spoons. And he did. Once we were finished with the dishes we clapped and had a little celebration and then I asked him if he'd like to help me sweep.
His favorite toy has become the green green. Most adults might recognize it as a dust bin that has a long handle so it can be used without bending down or over. But he knows it as the green-green because it's green. He held it still for me while I swept the front area and then once I got the stuff from the floor into the dust bin I asked him if he could throw it away. He took it over to the garbage, lifted it and tried to get the dirt in the garbage but he needed a little help figuring out that he needed to turn it to get it to work properly. Then we swept the small kitchen area and this time he had no problems figuring out that he needed to turn it, he just couldn't quite finagle it enough to get it turned. Then we did more clapped and more praise was had and then when Chia got out of her shower, there was more praise. We had fun. I think I can honestly say that was the most fun cleaning I have ever had.
This afternoon was not without its own amusements. C was unable to go to the playground but a bed and two adults was all the playground he seemed to require. He climbed up and on and over and through and around everything. He wore us out long before he slowed down... even after his nap! Although we all slept for 2 hours and it was heavenly. Sleep has been interesting with all the thunder. But from what I have been told the storm has passed by us and we are due for a few days of sun and heat. Personally I like the thunder and the lightening but it's keeping C awake and with it his mama so they're ready for the sun to come.
I think we're headed back into town tomorrow. It gives us something to do, to be out and about. I hope to take some fun pictures while we're out. I took several fun pics of C and Chia in black and white today, a lot that are just so sweet that it'll make even a hard heart smile. It's pretty hard not to go awwww when you see a two year old boy kissing his mommy's pregnant belly. At least I don't think it is.
Chia has an odd craving for some chicken nuggets so we might hit the golden arches tomorrow and they has internet there so I will most likely be updating this then. I love and miss you all. And that includes my Coopaducks.