The rain of the last few weeks have managed to produce some really amazing colors of green in the forest. These are some surreal colors and remind me of the greens from LOTR. It is simply beautiful but, I am sure you have enough with words and want to see some pictures! I haven't taken too many yet because I have been pretty much home bound but here are a few from these last few weeks.
These first four pictures are from May 22. It snowed and it snowed for several days off and on. I had thought I was going to miss the snows for this year but Yellowstone has had a few surprises for us!
But now I shall shut up and give you the promised pictures.

We had to close the road a few times due to snow on Sylvan Pass. People were not exactly happy about that but then, as I said-mountains breed their own weather.

And this is me, proof that I was in the middle of all this wonderful snow.

The mountain to the north of us. Just last summer that was filled with smoke from the Castle Fire.

And I love this snow line. You can tell where there was precipitation but one point is cold enough for snow and just below it is all rain.
Anyway that is all for now. I am hoping to go into Billings in a few weeks to go to Costco. But DC is on sale, 24 pack of DC for $5 at wal-mart right now. I am SO stocking up! You really can't beat that price. You can't.